The Growing Community would not exist without support from our trusted and dedicated community partners and sponsors. It’s a great honor to work with them all.
Check out our Growing Community Team and learn more about our partners and our partnership. Teamwork makes the dream work.
Santa Barbara County Food Action Network
“The Santa Barbara County Food Action Network connects, aligns, and activates a network of food system actors to develop a robust local food economy, a healthy and just community, and a well-stewarded, resilient foodshed.”
UC Master Gardeners of Santa Barbara County
“Our primary goal is to help solve problems that home gardeners encounter.”
Veggie Rescue
“Veggie Rescue gleans, or collects, excess produce from farms and delivers it at no cost to recipients feeding community members in need.”
White Buffalo Land Trust
“White Buffalo Land Trust practices, develops, and promotes systems of regenerative agriculture.”
Elings Park Foundation
“Santa Barbara’s largest, most diverse recreation area and open space.”
The Terrace Foundation
“Working to abolish food deserts in our communities and creating the next generation of farmers through immersion and education.”
Foodbank of Santa Barbara County
“Transforming the health of Santa Barbara County through fresh produce and essential foods, nutrition knowledge, and education for children, families and seniors.”
Catholic Charities of Santa Barbara County
“We serve families and individuals most in need, regardless of religious beliefs or faiths.”
Santa Barbara County Resource Recovery & Waste Management Division
“The ultimate waste-reduction resource for residents of Santa Barbara County.”
Community Environmental Council
“CEC innovates and incubates real life solutions in areas with the biggest impact on climate change – most notably energy, transportation and food systems.”
Trinity Gardens
“The Trinity Gardens mission is to provide space where church members and the Santa Barbara community come together to grow food and experience educational opportunities in horticulture and nutrition.”
Santa Barbara County Public Health Department
“Our mission is to improve the health of the community by preventing disease, promoting wellness, and ensuring access to needed health care.”